Purchase process
Before you make a reservation, we anticipate that you have some extra questions. Please download the brochure for more detailed information about ANNA Collection. We outline the purchase process below. Submit your non-binding pre-order to receive an invite to reserve your ANNA.
By completing the Apply to pre-order form, you have the chance to be one of the first to receive an invitation to pre-order your ANNA.
After we have received your application, we’ll connect through video and talk about the beautiful location in nature you have in mind for your ANNA.
If our values and visions match, we would like to partner up with you. You'll be amongst the first people to receive an invitation to pre-order your ANNA by paying the €10,000 registration fee. Your pre-order will then be finalized and you're one step closer to having your ANNA!
You receive all the information you need to apply for necessary permits. During the (online) site assessment we'll discuss your wishes and assess your location for installation purposes.
After the (online) site assessment, we provide a more precise estimate on final pricing and invite you to place your final order, with the first instalment of 10%. You've now officially reserved your ANNA.
From this day on you are the proud owner of your own ANNA. When you are satisfied with everything and the installation is complete, the final instalment is due.
Can't find the answer you were looking for? Please send us a message using the form below.